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Facing A Foreclosure?

Here at House Rescue Inc. we rescue you from foreclosure, keeping you from destroying your credit, and put money in your pocket at closing. We will buy your house fast and hassle free.We want to avoid buying foreclosures, we would much rather rescue you from foreclosure.  Most foreclosures could be avoided just by contacting us.

The Process


1) We will go to your home to evaluate how much we could potentially sell your home for after necessary renovations and expenses. 


2) We will need to know how much you owe on your current house. If these figures work for us and for you, we can go with one of two options we have available.

Option #1- We could buy your house cash and put money in your pocket.

Option #2-We could renovate your home and sell it, all while still in your name and guarantee you a said amount in your pocket at closing.


Here is an example of one of our customers who saved themselves and their credit...

  On the verge of foreclosure and tarnishing their credit forever. We sat down with them and wrote up a contract, did some updates and remodeling and agreed on a said amount of money to them at closing. We did this all while in their name.

  We sold their home very quickly and they walked away from the closing table with a little over five thousand dollars! They saved themselves from foreclosure and ruining their credit. We all walked away from the closing table very satisfied.

  This is just one example of how easy it can be. Save yourself with the help of House Rescue Inc.

References are available upon your request.

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